Desde Reimaginemos trabajamos para que nuestros proyectos sean una semilla que de fruto a muchas más iniciativas que pongan la desigualdad en el centro del debate, en todo Colombia.
Nuestras Convocatorias
Fecha de cierre: Octubre 4 2024
Fecha de cierre: Octubre 10 2024
Fecha de cierre: Octubre 28 2024
Conoce a las ganadoras de la primera convocatoria Alta-Voz Reimaginemos
Alta-Voz Reimaginemos construye infraestructura de comunicaciones para apoyar la construcción de una nueva economía que sea menos desigual y extractiva. Realizamos investigaciones sobre debates globales y locales, mapeamos voces influyentes (académicos, activistas y artistas), los entrenamos como voceras y los posicionan en los medios.
Conoce a los ganadores de los Microapoyos a Iniciativas de Diálogo Diverso sobre Desigualdad
Las mujeres del norte del Cauca hablan - Cauca, Colombia

Empoderarte, a women and indigenous organization organized a diálogo de saberes ancestrales entre mujeres en el cual hablaron sobre las desigualdades, injusticias y dolores que viven las mujeres líderes en un territorio afectado por la violencia. They co-created a equity route for women leaders, published it in social media and in their own community newspaper.
Encuentros y desencuentros ante la migración - Cali, Colombia

The organization Corazón Doble Tri-color implemented a Project to open a dialogue between venezuelan migrants and Colombians around the human experience of migration and the inequalities that this entails. It was a social media campaign in which videos were created forming a diverse digital dialogue.
Encuentro Popular de participación política feminista - Medellín, Colombia

Two feminist academics and politicians from the organization ELECTAS proposed a project to organize an in person dialogue between women leaders in Antioquia to self-organize veedurías ciudadanas to foster control over the right-wing policies that the current state government is advancing threatening gender equality.
Sentidos de Esquinas - Medellín, Colombia

Palco, a community media organization proposed a project to organize and livestream through their radio station two social dialogues around the inequalities that disabled people face when searching for economic opportunities. They organized an event with the government, large business groups and disabled people social organizations, and carried out a very interesting conversation reaching thousands of radio listeners.
Todo Oídos - Barranquilla, Colombia

The community podcast “De la Voz Lab” proposed a project to produce two podcast episodes around the inequalities that young people face in Barranquilla. They identified and trained youth leaders, and the produced the podcast episodes with special invites from foundations and the government. They produced short videos summarizing the dialogues and shared them in social media, reaching an audience beyond their podcast channel.
Conversatorio Monte Mariano: Cuerpos e identidades disruptivas - San Juan Nepomuceno, Colombia

The recently created social organization “Territorios Incluyentes” organized an in person event based on Reimaginemo´s “Dialogues for Action” methodology”. They organized a one of a kind event to speak about silenced realities: the inequalities that LGBTIQ+ and other minorities face in a context gravely affected by the armed conflict in Colombia, in which social questions around identity and social rights have been traditionally and violently silenced.
Raíces Vivas: Un Encuentro de Historias Migrantes - Bucaramanga, Colombia

A social think tank called Proinpasa proposed a project to organize a photography context capturing the lived experiences and inequalities faced by Venezuelan migrants in this state in the border of Colombia and Venezuela. The emphasis was on migrants who have entered the education system in Colombia, but continue to face stigmatization. Based on the photo contest, they organized an in person “dialogues for action” event, in the largest public university in Santander.
Democracia en Debate: La Universidad Pública y la Desigualdad Regional - Bucaramanga, Santander

A research group and debate group at Universidad Industrial de Santander proposed a debate tournament around inequality in Santander, building on the results of an open survey capturing perspectives of different actors who do not often speak about this reality.
Dialogo Mujer, petróleo y violencias de género - Putumayo, Colombia

The foundation Quinde Mujer proposed a project to organize a one of a kind dialogue in the municipality of Orito, to speak about silenced inequalities that women face in this territory affected by violence and in which economic opportunities are centered in a predominantly male-industry: oil and gas.
Diálogos diversos en territorios desiguales por el conflicto armado - Puerto Rico, Caquetá

A collective led by Mauricio Giraldo organized an in person event following Reimaginemos´s “Dialogues for Action” methodology, bringing social and public actors into the table to speak about peace building and equity building in a municipality hardly hit by the armed conflict and structural inequalities in the eastern region of Colombia.
Igualdades a cambio de estabilización - Arauca, Colombia

The Proacto group, a collective of artists in Arauca, proposed a social arts-project in which people from different ages were invited to a public space, to reflect, using their body and artistic languages, about inequalities and violence in this particular department of Colombia, one of the most affected by the Colombian armed conflict.
Clases Tejidas de la Huerta Viajera - Bogotá, Colombia

The Proacto group, a collective of artists in Arauca, proposed a social arts-project in which people from different ages were invited to a public space, to reflect, using their body and artistic languages, about inequalities and violence in this particular department of Colombia, one of the most affected by the Colombian armed conflict.
Le contamos - La desigualdad en boca de todos - Bogotá, Colombia

The Proacto group, a collective of artists in Arauca, proposed a social arts-project in which people from different ages were invited to a public space, to reflect, using their body and artistic languages, about inequalities and violence in this particular department of Colombia, one of the most affected by the Colombian armed conflict.